Friday, October 10, 2008

First T-Mobile G1 review

Image representing Android (mobile device plat...Android Community have an exclusive first user review of the T-Mobile G1. One lucky dude, Kaziko, an Android Community forum member, spent several hours with the G1 to give this inside look at the G1.

Kaziko's compares the phone to the T-Mobile Sidekick, saying :"Its a sidekick on massive steroids". However, the G1 runs on a smooth OS that comes pre loaded with cool apps like an instant messaging app.

The Android market runs as smoothly as the App Store and already features a fair number of apps to be downloaded.

Of course there are few glitches to this and Kazuko noticed that some apps "stutter" sometimes when they start up and the phone has to be restarted. This, of course, will have to be double checked with a commercial version of the phone as this was a pre-release version.

These little glitches can easily be corrected with software and firmware upgrades so the overall impression on the phone is pretty good.

Oh can't wait to be October 22nd now to check all of these for ourselves. In the meantime, check the orginal article here, it also features a QA part.
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